PruLink Fund Pricing (Updated On 17-Feb-2025)

Fund Name Bid Price Offer Price View Type Currency First Effective Date
PRULink ActiveInvest Portfolio - Balanced 0.97220 1.02336 Fund Performance SGD 22-Oct-2021
PRULink ActiveInvest Portfolio - Conservative 0.94573 0.99550 Fund Performance SGD 22-Oct-2021
PRULink ActiveInvest Portfolio - Growth 0.94035 0.98984 Fund Performance SGD 22-Oct-2021
PRULink ActiveInvest Portfolio - Moderate 0.99788 1.05040 Fund Performance SGD 22-Oct-2021
PRULink America Fund (USD) (Acc) 1.13223 1.13223 Fund Performance USD 04-Oct-2023
PRULink Asian Income and Growth Fund (USD) (Acc) 1.06519 1.06519 Fund Performance USD 04-Oct-2023
PRULink Asian Multi-Asset Income Fund (Acc) 0.88862 0.93538 Fund Performance SGD 20-Jan-2021
PRULink Asian Multi-Asset Income Fund (Decu) 0.69549 0.73209 Fund Performance SGD 20-Jan-2021
PRULink Asian Multi-Asset Income Fund (Dis) 0.72450 0.76263 Fund Performance SGD 20-Jan-2021
PRULink FlexGrowth Fund (SGD) 1.01229 1.01229 Fund Performance SGD 16-Dec-2022
PRULink Global Climate Change Equity Fund (Acc) 0.55881 0.58822 Fund Performance SGD 08-Sep-2021
PRULink Global Diversified Income Fund (Dis) 0.95182 1.00191 Fund Performance SGD 15-Nov-2024
PRULink Global Dividend Wealth Fund (Distribution) 0.92518 0.97387 Fund Performance SGD 08-Jul-2022
PRULink Global Episode Macro Fund (Acc) 0.99076 1.04290 Fund Performance SGD 02-Feb-2024
PRULink Global Equity Fund (USD) (Acc) 1.17693 1.17693 Fund Performance USD 04-Oct-2023
PRULink Global Equity Growth Fund (Accumulation) 1.17947 1.24154 Fund Performance SGD 08-May-2024
PRULink Global Fixed-Income Fund (USD) (Acc) 1.12448 1.12448 Fund Performance USD 04-Oct-2023
PRULink Global Growth Fund (Accumulation) 1.13771 1.19758 Fund Performance SGD 05-Jun-2023
PRULink Global Impact ESG Equity Fund (Acc) 0.87540 0.92147 Fund Performance SGD 08-Sep-2021
PRULink Global Income Fund (Accumulation) 1.07749 1.13420 Fund Performance SGD 05-Jun-2023
PRULink Global Innovation Equity Fund (Acc) 0.87666 0.92280 Fund Performance SGD 08-Sep-2021
PRULink Global Signature CIO Balance Fund (Acc) 1.01903 1.07266 Fund Performance SGD 15-Nov-2023
PRULink Global Signature CIO Growth Fund (Acc) 1.10513 1.16329 Fund Performance SGD 15-Nov-2023
PRULink Global Signature CIO Income Fund (Dist) 0.96141 1.01201 Fund Performance SGD 15-Nov-2023
PRULink Greater China Fund (USD) (Acc) 1.15235 1.15235 Fund Performance USD 04-Oct-2023
PRULink Islamic Global Equity Index Fund (Acc) 1.30841 1.37727 Fund Performance SGD 05-Jun-2023
PRULink US Dividend Wealth Fund (Distribution) 1.00956 1.06269 Fund Performance SGD 09-Sep-2022
PRULink US Dividend Wealth Fund (USD) (Dist) 1.12064 1.12064 Fund Performance USD 04-Oct-2023
PruLink Adapt 2025 Fund 1.67588 1.76408 Fund Performance SGD 20-Apr-2005
PruLink Adapt 2035 Fund 1.96061 2.06380 Fund Performance SGD 20-Apr-2005
PruLink America Fund 2.86901 3.02001 Fund Performance SGD 20-Apr-2005
PruLink Asian American Managed Fund 2.22076 2.33764 Fund Performance SGD 14-Jan-2003
PruLink Asian Equity Fund 2.39998 2.52629 Fund Performance SGD 03-Oct-1995
PruLink Asian Fixed-Income Fund (Acc) 0.85740 0.90252 Fund Performance SGD 20-Jan-2021
PruLink Asian Fixed-Income Fund (Dis) 0.73270 0.77126 Fund Performance SGD 20-Jan-2021
PruLink Asian Income Fund 0.93670 0.98600 Fund Performance SGD 03-Apr-2009
PruLink Asian Income and Growth Fund (Acc) 1.46400 1.54105 Fund Performance SGD 07-Aug-2013
PruLink Asian Income and Growth Fund (Dis) 1.03927 1.09396 Fund Performance SGD 07-Aug-2013
PruLink China India Fund 4.21782 4.43981 Fund Performance SGD 22-Jun-2004
PruLink Dynamic Income Fund 0.54186 0.57037 Fund Performance SGD 09-Jul-2012
PruLink Emerging Markets Fund 1.82812 1.92433 Fund Performance SGD 20-Apr-2005
PruLink Global Bond Fund 1.48118 1.55913 Fund Performance SGD 06-Oct-1998
PruLink Global Equity Fund 2.15939 2.27304 Fund Performance SGD 06-Oct-1998
PruLink Global Equity Fund (Dis) 1.33592 1.40623 Fund Performance SGD 03-Jul-2018
PruLink Global Fixed-Income Fund (Acc) 0.89603 0.94318 Fund Performance SGD 20-Jan-2021
PruLink Global Managed Fund 2.45618 2.58545 Fund Performance SGD 06-Oct-1998
PruLink Global Managed Fund (Dis) 1.13377 1.19344 Fund Performance SGD 03-Jul-2018
PruLink Global Multi-Asset Income Fund (Acc) 1.05408 1.10955 Fund Performance SGD 20-Jan-2021
PruLink Global Multi-Asset Income Fund (Decu) 0.81789 0.86093 Fund Performance SGD 20-Jan-2021
PruLink Global Multi-Asset Income Fund (Dis) 0.88552 0.93212 Fund Performance SGD 20-Jan-2021
PruLink Global Property Securities Fund 0.90470 0.95231 Fund Performance SGD 26-Mar-2007
PruLink Global Technology Fund 4.03768 4.25018 Fund Performance SGD 03-Apr-2001
PruLink Greater China Fund 1.95812 2.06117 Fund Performance SGD 06-Nov-2009
PruLink India Equity Fund 1.57129 1.65398 Fund Performance SGD 21-Jun-2016
PruLink Pan European Fund 2.09198 2.20208 Fund Performance SGD 03-Apr-2001
PruLink Singapore ASEAN Managed Fund 1.28658 1.35429 Fund Performance SGD 21-Mar-2012
PruLink Singapore Asian Managed Fund 4.75516 5.00543 Fund Performance SGD 28-Sep-1992
PruLink Singapore Cash Fund 1.57674 1.57674 Fund Performance SGD 03-Oct-1995
PruLink Singapore Dynamic Bond Fund 1.45042 1.52675 Fund Performance SGD 15-Mar-2011
PruLink Singapore Dynamic Bond Fund (Dis) 0.89840 0.94568 Fund Performance SGD 03-Jul-2018
PruLink Singapore Growth Fund 1.96373 2.06708 Fund Performance SGD 06-Jul-2010

PruLink Fund Switch

Click here to view the PruLink Fund switch allowed

Other Sources For Prulink Fund Prices

We value each PruLink Fund every business day (known as the pricing date) to work out the unit price. The actual offer and bid prices are published on the website at the end of the first business day after the relevant pricing date.

Prices of the funds can also be obtained from the following sources:
The Straits Times*
The Business Times*
Lianhe Zaobao*

* Frequency of publication is determined by the relevant media. The actual offer and bid prices are published two business days after the relevant pricing date.

Customers should note that Prudential does not accept any responsibility for any errors on the part of the publisher in the prices published in the abovementioned publications or for any non-publication of prices by such publisher and shall incur no liability in respect of any action taken or loss suffered by investors in reliance upon such publications.